2007/08/05– Getting Ready for the Trail, Food Prep

I’m gearing up for a couple of trips this month, provided my vacation time gets approved. I’ve got a 10 day trip planned for the last week of August and the first week of September.As such, I’ve got my dehydrators working ’round the clock to crank out some tasty trail foods. I’m doing something a…

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2007/06/28– Update on Beau part 2.

Beau had his cleanup surgery today. The incision on his side had to be redone to clean up the edges of the wound since he pulled the stitches out with his teeth. He now has 4 stitches in his side instead of the original 3. We’re also going to try padding the stitches on his neck…

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2007/06/27– Update on Beau

When I got home from some OT at work tonight I found that Beau, despite having been fine with the stitches all weekend and despite having been watched over by Mom and Dad while I was at work, had pulled his stitches out of his side. I had to call in to work to see if…

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2007/04/06– Goodbye, Parade

Parade, our little Basenji, was put to sleep today due to kidney failure. She turned 14 last fall and lived with us since she was 4. We brought her home in a fluffy blanket because she loved them. She was buried next to Max, our GSD/Collie and Tommy, our first purebred Catahoula (also Lucy’s half-brother).

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Human First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit I have tailored this to fit my needs since I usually hike either completely alone or with just a dog. I don’t carry things like splints because I haven’t had the need for one, even after badly spraining my ankle while hiking or even after breaking my leg not on the trail….

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