Recommended Reading

Dogs- Winterdance: the Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod Paulsen, Gary– Harcourt Brace 1994 Woodsong Paulsen, Gary– Simon & Schuster 1990 Fan’s Guide to the Iditarod, A Hood, Mary H-Alpine 1996 Guide to Backpacking with Your Dog, A LaBelle, Charlene– Alpine 1992 Hiking With Your Dog Hoffman, Gary– ICS 1998 (Second Edition) Hiking With Dogs…

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Make Your Own Belt!

Just a couple of ideas I liked using for belts. Style #1- very easy to make and use Materials needed: Your waist measurement + 6″ of 1″ nylon web 1″ D-rings (2) or 1″ ladder lock (1). Poly thread needle

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The Author

I’m a 2003 graduate of Eastern Michigan Univeristy, with a B.S. in Recreation and Park Management. I spent my summers during school at a small midwestern parks department. I had a lot of fun and learned much more, especially about human nature.  I did my feild work in a hospital near campus, then my feild…

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What is the UberPest?

By popular demand…. When I was first coming online I wanted an email addy that was pretty anonymous. Since then anonymity has gone by the wayside, but the addy stayed. “uber” is a German word for super, pest is… well, a pest.

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Past Hikers

Name: Arash Email: Traildog’s name: Inuk Comments: You have a great site. Just wanted to say thanks for all that information. Have a good hike. December 7, 2004 20:49:22 (GMT Time) Name: Greg Noseworthy Email: HomePage: Traildog’s name: Iris & Cody Do you like SPAM? Yes (blush) I’m so ashamed… Comments: Love…

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2002 entries to UberPest’s Trail Register

Name: dai Email: December 17, 2002 00:20:08 (GMT Time) Name: Richard aka Redfog Email: Traildog’s name: Cooper and Toby Do you like SPAM? Ain’t no way I’m going to eat that stuff Comments: Enjoyed the site, especially the pictures of the NCT/MRT. I love that loop. Met many dogs during my AT thru-hike…

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The Dogs

The heart, soul, and stuffing of this site. Beau is my buddy. He’s the one that gets me into trouble. He’s my heart dog. (he’s also my sisu dog, for the Finns out there). Beau’s breeder is Cat’s Cradle’s Catahoulas. One of my brothers owns Cat’s Cradle’s Jake– a black and brindle 3/4 brother to…

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2006/09/15– Susan Butcher

I didn’t realize this, but many of you probably already knew, Susan Butcher passed away on August 5, 2006. I still have the letter and signed photo she sent me when I was in high school (I got it sometime in 1996 or 1997). It went with me to college and was displayed proudly in…

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