Past Hikers

Name: Arash
Traildog’s name: Inuk
Comments: You have a great site. Just wanted to say thanks for all that information. Have a good hike.
December 7, 2004 20:49:22 (GMT Time)

Name: Greg Noseworthy
Traildog’s name: Iris & Cody
Do you like SPAM? Yes (blush) I’m so ashamed…
Comments: Love the site. I got here doing a search on how to make your own doggie backpack. One thing I’d like to share with you in reguards to dog toys; we used to give our guys tenis balls, but somebody told me that the fibre glass coating wears thier teeth down, and can get stuck between the teeth (I’m not so sure how much of a problem this really is, but it made sense to me). So now we use those orange ‘hockey balls’ — they’re very tough and the same size and weight as a tenis ball. I love the bits you mention about the stuffed critters… Our guys are nuts for anything stuffed. Great page, by the way. I just wish I could get my dogs on the trails more often.
October 25, 2004 18:37:30 (GMT Time)

Name: David H.
Traildog’s name: Overstreet
Do you like SPAM? It is tasty when fried
Comments: I urge all ebay users to write an email to ebay to get the word “frood” off of the prohibited list for eBay feedback. It is very un-hoopy of them to prohibit it.
October 17, 2004 20:48:30 (GMT Time)

If anyone doesn’t catch the reference, check out my page about the most useful piece of gear there is.–Uber

Name: Anna
Comments: Hi… what to say? A very informative site … Well… in a GUEST book the guest should be kind…or not to sign… this is my opinion. Always have respect of the other, if you want him to respect you.
September 10, 2004 15:11:47 (GMT Time)

This is a comment regarding the large number of spam posts this guestbook receives. Many of them are very, um, impolite. I read the entries and will remove those I find offensive, especially X-Rated posts or those which link to X-Rated sites.–Uber

Name: Jess Knoch
Traildog’s name: Bree the mastiff
Do you like SPAM? Not really 🙂
Comments: I read r.p.d.b sometimes and found your site that way. I am writing because you have a fencing picture on your site, and my husband and I are avid fencers. Bree the mastiff comes to tournaments sometimes but not for the whole day yet.
August 15, 2004 20:45:29 (GMT Time)

Name: Nelda Jones Beasley
Traildog’s name: Ruh (roo) Tai
Do you like SPAM? yes
Comments: I find your site delightful and helpful. or at least it will be when I try to make my own carting siwash harness. Thanks very much
July 17, 2004 22:45:45 (GMT Time)

Name: Seth Adams
Traildog’s name? Sadie
Do you like SPAM? Not if I can help it
Comments: Try doing the NCT/Manistee trail loop in one day – good day hike!
June 3, 2004 13:29:02 (GMT Time)

Name: Kate Rasmussen
Traildog’s name: We have 8 pooches!
Do you like SPAM? Detest the stuff!!!
Comments: We have rescued 6 pups from various shelters. Collars are an expense. Thank you!
May 30, 2004 20:54:49 (GMT Time)

Name: Barry Sr
Traildog’s name: Loki
Do you like SPAM? I especially like spam, eggs, sausage & spam
Comments: Hike alot and now that my son is not around as much to join me, I am training a Karelian Bear Dog for a trail buddy.
May 27, 2004 23:26:19 (GMT Time)

That’s a great name for a Nordic dog–Uber

Name: Nicole Ricci
Traildog’s name: reba
Do you like SPAM? NOPE – I don’t eat compressed food.
Comments: Good ideas!
April 15, 2004 19:31:13 (GMT Time)

Name: Lizz Koedam
Traildog’s name: Dundee, Maverick, Mystique, and Rain
Do you like SPAM? No
Comments: Neat site.
March 17, 2004 15:55:45 (GMT Time)

Name: sandy hanson
Traildog’s name: niki
Do you like SPAM? no
Comments: I loved your sight and wish there were more just like it. We have a 7mo. old Sib. Husky and I was looking for things to make for her. Your suggestion for was great too. Thank you so much for sharing your information. Sandy.
March 12, 2004 01:01:19 (GMT Time)

Name: Lizzi
Traildog’s name: Ginger
Do you like SPAM? I don’t like SPAM!!! (spam spam spam spam…)
Comments: My Golden Ginger and I love to go hiking and backpacking. We are working towards a backpacking title/badge from Dog Scouts of America. For photos of Ginger hiking in various places (Niagra Falls, Adirondack Mountains, Smoky Mountains…) see her webpage
Febuary 27, 2004 22:58:49 (GMT Time)

Now that’s just plain funny.–Uber

Name: Bill
Do you like SPAM? Its O K , don’t like the other spam at all
Comments: Was just looking at web site, i lke the pepsi can stove and the swiss army snowshoes. Don’t have much snow here in east tennessee. Good site lots of cool things. And yes i’m a amateur radio operator, lots of people ask me by my e mail address.
January 5, 2004 22:09:00 (GMT Time)
Most Sincere Thanks
Submitted by JCK (not verified) on Wed, 2007-09-19 21:02.
Many thanks for the information, suggestions, and helpful ideas. Found your site while researching info about dog boots-and one site led to another,, Clearly you are someone who enjoys the great outdoors as well as the company of fine canines, as do I. I wouldn’t live without them, never have, and I am richer for it! For your generosity with your fine site give yourself a a generous pat on the back!
Love it!!
Submitted by Jaimie (not verified) on Sun, 2006-12-31 11:32.
I just found this site.. and it has so many of the goodies that I was looking for and MORE! Not only is the format great, you are LOCAL! Perhaps one day we will meet, if not already!! Maggie( Our American bulldog) and I thank-you for all the goodies!