Moving forward

About two weeks ago I went to New Orleans for an Ingress Anomaly. I’d planned to stop and visit with Ranger and Halo’s breeder, but Mother Nature decided it would be better to rain on her place and make it impossible to have any real fun or allow the dogs to play around. So instead…

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I still have stories to tell

I wanted to tell this story at The Moth in Detroit but, given my current financial situation with the seasonal job and uncertainty for employment after, I couldnโ€™t justify the gas to get there and back. The theme for the night was: PROGRESS: Prepare a five-minute story about baby steps or giant leaps. Fixing what…

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โ€œWhy do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.โ€ โ€• Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of…

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As long as we remember him.

There once was a little puppy.   And he liked peanuts.   And playing with his brothers and sisters.   And he was happy.   And silly. And polite.   He loved life.   He loved his friends.   He loved naps   And fuzzy blankets   He loved car rides   And ice cream…

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Is your red the same as my red?

While the video below from Michael at Vsauce deals with color, the bigger picture he covers (including what taste, sounds, etc you experience vs what I experience from those same stimuli) is near and dear to my heart. Or, more accurately, my brain.

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The summary of my last few weeks

Halo came into heat. This is actually good timing since we have a show in a week and a half any my dogs run in a 2-dog event together. Having her in heat at the time would really suck, especially since both are ranked in the Top Ten for that event and this is the…

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What brings you to Ohio?

I’ve mentioned recently that I had some changes in my job and personal life that allows me to get on the trail more as well as write here more. One of those questions you get asked in job interviews is where you think you’ll be in 5 years. I hate that question. I hate it…

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A Can of Soup

It started with a can of soup. I was 4 years old. My sister and brothers were at the cool place they got to go every day while I stayed home with Mom. It was called “school,” but to me it was the greatest place on the planet because it was somewhere I couldn’t go….

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Nora’s F.A.T.T. Hike

Somehow I completely missed posting this here. My friend Nora is out thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail this summer. She is hiking in memory of her mother’s values and to raise money for blood cancer research. Check out her blog and join me in vicariously hiking the AT.

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