Updates on Training

Okay, so my attempts at a weekly posting have really gone awry over the past month. I got crazy with work and, between the heat and the rain, I just haven’t been out much. Or at least not enough to make an interesting trip report.

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Continued conditioning

I’ve been stepping up Ranger’s conditioning over the past several weeks. Compared to how he looked a month ago I can see some genuine muscle development. In the past month his chest has expanded 1.5″ in diameter. From two weeks ago his top speed sprinting alongside my bike has increased by 0.3 1.8 mph (to…

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Weekend fun and stress

I just got back from a UKC dog show in Wapakoneta, OH. While we were there Ranger earned two more competition wins toward his GRCH title. He just needs one more to finish that title! He also comes home with 4 Top Ten points from the weekend. Ranger needs to get some more muscle, so…

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Earth Day 2010 Part Deux

Since today is Earth Day I thought I’d share some more eco-friendly stuff: Ruff Wear has a line of eco-sensitive dog equipment. Aquamarine Power’s Oyster is a possible future form of harnessing energy from ocean wave action. (Courtesy DVICE).

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Earth Day 2010

Earth Day is coming up this Thursday. One of the events I’m working on for work is a tree planting day. The trees are being planted to help control erosion, provide habitat for wildlife, and some visual screening between recreation areas (this is all dependent upon where exactly the trees are planted).

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