2005/08/08– Pictures from this Hiking Season
I have some photos of Beau and my adventures this season. Check them out here.
I have some photos of Beau and my adventures this season. Check them out here.
Beau showed at the UKC Premier this weekend in Kalamazoo, MI and won Reserve Champion on Sunday. Footage from Premier was videotaped for future airing on Outdoor Life Network. Some footage of Beau was filmed. I don’t know if it will end up on the cutting room floor, but it was recorded. I have the…
Moved to a new host today! This site is now hosted by TikkiWeb.net.
Beau passed his TDI exam. For more information on therapy dogs, please visit Therapy Dogs International.
Due to people abusing the guestbook, it will be going away some time this weekend. I am sick of going in on a daily basis to remove links that put viruses on people’s computers, links to x-rated content, and general spam. I haven’t had a legitimate post in months, so out it goes. Past posts…
The Journal is four years old today. Whew! Time flies.
I found a dice game that’s really cool. I’ve been wanting to play with it for a while, and finally got around to it. Check out Blisters. I bought one set of official Blisters dice, and have made two sets with tiny dice for backpacking (they’re not for sale as I don’t have the copyright…
Happy New Year! Hopefully 2005 will be as great as 2004. ’04 saw me get a permanent job with my state’s State Park system, (no AT thru for me), Beau earn several Group placements, his first Group Win, and his first and second Best in Multi-Breed Show. He added “CGC” to his name, as did…
Merry Christmas! Santa brought me a vacuum packer. I’m pretty geeked about using it on future trips. Vacuum packing marshmallows was pretty anti-climatic, sadly. I’m working on a new knit wool cap for future trips. I have so many kniting projects going now that I’ll probably finish it in time for NEXT winter. Pages in…
This is just a friendly reminder to do your civic duty and vote today.