Today I found an article in The Torontoist about snowshoeing–much more popular there than here in Southeast Indiana where we’ve lost most of this year’s snow (40 degrees for Christmas, baby!). They linked here for the pattern about making your own wooden pack (swiss-army) snowshoes.
Some of my readers may remember when I started and it was ran out of a dorm room in Southeast Michigan. It’s definitely been through a ton of changes to grow and improve. I’m hoping to get more photos and articles up in the next year. Some of the articles have been a long time in the making, but they’re coming.
That said, it’s still amazing when some mainstream media or larger bloggers pick me up. I can’t help it, I get more than a little excited. I guess it makes me feel like I’m doing more than just daydreaming and banging out a pattern of letters on the keyboard.