Trails in Michigan

These are just a few trails for now. I’ll put up more trails soon.

If you have some trails you’d like to add, please email me.

Location Trail Distance/ Hike Time Difficulty Surface Agency Notes
National Forest
Manistee River Trail 12 miles, linear. 1-2 days. Easy to moderate Natural Huron-Manistee National Forest Foot path only. Horses and all vehicles are not allowed. A fun trail, good for beginning BPing trips. Check with rangers regarding parking passes. Water is fairly abundant even in summer. Connects with the NCT on the other side of the river to make a great multi-day loop.
Hillsdale (LP) through Ironwood (UP) North Country National Scenic Trail 600+ miles, many sections to do. Easy to difficult Natural or man-made North Country Trail Association Foot path in many places, but bikes are allowed on some segments (segment updates coming in the future). The Manistee National Forest section of the NCT is typically dry and also has some tough terrain.