2001 entries to UberPest’s Trail Register

Name: Wanda Derby
Email: wderby@clatskanie.com
Traildog’s name: Kitty, Kit, Pudgy, and King aka Old Fart
Do you like SPAM? I have eaten plenty of it on the trails
Comments: Thank you for being there! It is a wonderful site.
December 31, 2001 18:52:33 (GMT Time)

Name: Anna
Email: ragdol@mb.sympatico.ca
Traildog’s name: Shasta, McCoy – australian shepherds
Do you like SPAM? mmm, nope
Comments: wonderful, wonderful links!! thank you!!!
December 17, 2001 19:25:42 (GMT Time)

Name: Charles Krammin
Email: chaskrammin@voyager.net
Traildog’s name: Michigan Plowboy
Do you like SPAM? NO mac and cheese better
Comments: AT trail 1997-98 2158 miles. Chief Noonday Chapter VP trails. Give our area a try sometime. I offer help
October 31, 2001 02:29:00 (GMT Time)

Name: Ashley (the La Randonneuse, the hiker in French)
Email: ajhartist@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://clix.to/larandonneuse
Traildog’s name: Holly, a Dalmation, got her for X-mas
Do you like SPAM? i’ll eat Ramen thank you very much
Comments: Thanx for visiting my site…yours is bookmarked:) I’m going to try and make the ‘snoeshoes’ cause I really sink in during the winter πŸ™ Ashley
October 26, 2001 00:12:01 (GMT Time)

Name: Ashley (the La Randonneuse, the hiker in French)
Email: ajhartist@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://clix.to/larandonneuse
Traildog’s name: Holly, a Dalmatian, got her for X-mas
Do you like SPAM? i’ll eat Ramen thank you very much
Comments: Great site!!! I’d like to hike more with my dog and its kinda hard when I can’t drive.
October 21, 2001 21:30:07 (GMT Time)

Name: mom
Email: justmemyhouse@hotmail.com
Traildog’s name: Lucy and Beau
Do you like SPAM? Prefer “TREET”, but you knew that.
September 7, 2001 19:15:37 (GMT Time)

Name: Zookeeper
Email: zookeeper@e-musicbox.com
HomePage: http://www.e-musicbox.com/
Traildog’s name: Tipsi, Cricket, & Curley Joe
Do you like SPAM? it’s okay
Comments: Wonderful Site. πŸ™‚ Thank you.
August 5, 2001 10:48:04 (GMT Time)

Name: Kent Emmert
Email: kentemmert@hotmail.com
Traildog’s name: A catahoula named Easy Seven
Do you like SPAM? Wonderful
Comments: great site
July 22, 2001 04:24:30 (GMT Time)

Name: Jennifer Clary
Email: themoois@home.com
Traildog’s name: Blue
Do you like SPAM? No!(overexposure as a youngster)
Comments: Wonderful page! Your kids are groovy! Thanks for the build-your-own gear page. Great ideas. Chat at ya later.lol
June 26, 2001 17:28:28 (GMT Time)

Name: Kari Lipscomb
Email: k_lipscomb@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://www.geocities.com/k_lipscomb/KarisKorner.html
Traildog’s name: How about a greyhound named Chris? πŸ™‚
Do you like SPAM? Didn’t they serve that in high school?
Comments: Amanda, The site looks very good. I have it linked to my website. πŸ™‚ I’ll keep checking back.
June 6, 2001 23:21:33 (GMT Time)

Name: Jeremy
Email: jermhull@hotmail.com
Traildog’s name: Fred
Do you like SPAM? Love it! Great w/everything!
Comments: I’ve been searching for a site like this for the longest time. Dogs have as much right to the trails as we do! Thanks!
May 25, 2001 16:19:09 (GMT Time)

Name: ginny
Email: babynicki-2000@yahoo.com
Traildog’s name: nicki
Do you like SPAM? nope, i’m a vegetarian! (but nicki would eat it)
Comments: nice site… i’ll stay tuned…
May 16, 2001 21:55:34 (GMT Time)

Name: Louanna Pettay
Email: louannapettay@mindspring.com
Traildog’s name: Phoebe
Do you like SPAM? Yes, I actually do,but don’t eat it.
Comments: This is a great site- Thanks
May 5, 2001 22:51:28 (GMT Time)

Name: Jeff Harper
Email: jeff@doplay.com
Traildog’s name: Hannah
Do you like SPAM? Mmm Mmm
Comments: Thanks for the dog hiking info.
March 31, 2001 21:36:19 (GMT Time)